Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Brown Versus Capobiancos: Father v Strangers

As the Supreme Court decides the fate of Baby Veronica - now 3-1/2, major newspapers editorials take sides. some asking that the Indian Child Welfare Act be ignored and or done away with.The comments posted to these editorials and those supporting the rights of Veronica's father, are  VILE and clearly indicate that public opinion on these issues have remained unchanged since the 1970 Olga Scarpetta contested adoption.The public is firmly entrenched in the perception of adoptive parents ALWAYS being the more deserving party. They are seen as hallowed, selfless saviors who are above reproach. And they are the wounded party in a disputed adoption as they deserve to have what they paid for. The naural parernts in disputed adoptions are reneggers, forgive me, but what e used to call "Indian givers."Prevailing belief is that anyone who even THINKS about or considers placing a child or allowing a child to be adopted is contemptuous, despicable and unfit. Societal lepers. Public opinion says once you think about adoption, you do not get a second chance, no change of mind.The facts of the case are irrelevant to this mob mentality that seeks only to tar and feather the "lowly" natural parents.Underlying these strong - albeit unreasonable - opinions on the part of the public and some newspapers' editors - is that they can identify with the adopters and not a parent who in any way considers adoption, even for a split second, or under pressure, or forced or coerced, or without full knowledge of what they are signing. No matter. They are sure, they never would! Signing - under any circumstances - puts us in a category with child abusers. In addition, in this particular case, you have the racial issue and the Indian Child Welfare Act. Regarding these, I have read comments that outright or subtly suggest “reverse discrimination.”White, wealthy, married = power and "right."Sadly the best interest of the child is of little concern, and constitutional right of parents to their own child, less still.Finally, there is little to no value placed on nature and biological connectedness. Blood relations are meaningless (unless you are researching your own ancestry and roots). Babies are commodities that are bought and manufactured with bought eggs, sperm and rented wombs that use mothers as human incubators -- all for the wealthy who "deserve" them and are entitled to them. Indicitive of this view is a comment that callled Brown a sperm donor.We are entitled to disdain and disgust. Pray for Veronica and her DAD!! They need and deserve one another and belong to be together forever after.

Brown Versus Capobiancos: Father v Strangers Images

AlloCiné : Forum Général : [1er] GRAND TOURNOI des meilleures ...
(434 x 295 - 16.39 KB - jpeg)

Celtic Tiger Live .nl
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... Brown, and Shutes also ran in for a 17-yard touchdown.For the Rams
(288 x 203 - 128.21 KB - jpeg)

... Brown, and Shutes also ran in for a 17-yard touchdown.For the Rams
(288 x 257 - 149.29 KB - jpeg)

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