By BaxterWe cats are almost never wrong. But once in a very blue moon, it happens.See, we never dreamed that if you ran for Congress and you: 1) were deserted by your party, 2) were caught trespassing at your ex-wife's house, 3) published an incredibly narcissistic and self-serving advertorial defending said trespass, 4) foolishly "debated" a cutout of the current House minority leader, 5) claimed you "didn't hear" your opponent when she questioned your hike on the Appalachian Trail, and 6) brought your mistress up on the dais when you won your primary runoff, you'd be guilty of really, really bad campaign management.Well, you wouldn't. At least, not in the First Congressional District in South Carolina. We cats HISS.UPDATE: Looking back in the light of day, we cats have decided this election has proven one thing: that if you're a Republican, and you win the Republican primary in this very Republican Congressional district, you win the seat. Which means, guess what? Mark Sanford will have a slew of primary opponents in 2014. We guarantee it.
Mark Sanford Won "What"? Images
Why Mark Sanford won - The Observation Deck
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Governor Mark Sanford Won't Contest Divorce with Jenny Sanford | wltx ...
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Mark Sanford Won South Carolina Primary, But Can He Beat Stephen ...
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